Adorable Kid's Christmas Performance Takes a Hysterical Turn from kidsarecute on GodTube.
Der ganze Chrismas Carol richtig mitgezählt... ;-)
;-) Wer schon immer ein Problem hatte sich diesen sinnigen Text zu merken, hier eine kleine Gedächnisstütze:
Top 12 Origin of 12 Days of Christmas
By Jean Brandau, Guide
When most people hear "The 12 Days of Christmas," they think of the song. This song had its origins as a teaching tool to instruct young people in the meaning and content of the Christian faith.
1. On the First Day of Christmas: A Partridge in a Pear Tree
" true love gave to me..." The "true love" represents God and the "me" who receives these presents is the Christian. The "Partridge in a pear tree" was Jesus Christ who dies on a tree as a gift from God.
2. Second Day of Christmas: 2 Turtle Doves
The Old and New Testaments.
3. Third Day of Christmas: 3 French Hens
Faith, Hope and Charity.
4. Fourth Day of Christmas: 4 Calling Birds
The Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists.
5. Fifth Day of Christmas: 5 Golden Rings
The first Five Books of the Old Testament.
6. Sixth Day of Christmas: 6 Geese A Laying
The Six days of creation.
7. Seventh Day of Christmas: 7 Swans A Swimming
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
8. Eighth Day of Christmas: 8 Maids Milking
The eight Beatitudes.
9. Ninth Day of Christmas: 9 Ladies Dancing
The nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
10. Tenth Day of Christmas: 10 Lords A Leaping
The Ten Commandments.
11. Eleventh Day of Christmas: 11 Pipers Piping
The eleven faithful disciples
12. 12th Day of Christmas: 12 Drummers Drumming
The 12 points of the Apostles' Creed
Wir wollen hier auch die letzten Tage (wenn es auch keine 12 mehr sind ;-) bis Weihnachten zählen. Und es kommen hier noch mehr, mehr oder weniger sinnige Video Highlights (mehr mehr als weniger ;-), die ich in letzter Zeit gefunden habe und die wir beide lieben und immer wieder anschauen....
Täglich vorbeischauen lohnt sich!! ;-)
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